

If lines and wrinkles, loss of volume and definition to your lips, cheeks and jawline, dimpled areas and softened contours are bothering you, it’s time to recapture your bloom by booking your appointment. Enjoy a refreshed and luminous skin with subtle use of Botox®, Xeomin® and dermal fillers – where they count. Treatments with cosmetic injectables ensure your skin is refreshed and the ageing process slowed, and youth is recaptured with approved products in a clinic environment. Having your appearance medicine treatments with Nicole at BLOOMSKIN, means you will receive exceptional care and premium results.

Your preferred outcome is a significant part of your cosmetic injectable treatment. Nicole will ensure you are familiar with the treatment prior to injecting, and that you understand how your areas of concern, such as crow’s feet, forehead lines and wrinkles, volume loss to lips, cheeks and jawlines will be improved. She will explain to you about the various anti-ageing injectable treatments and which she will use, and also create your own personalised treatment plan. 

Anti- wrinkle

$16 – 19  per unit

Smooth it out! 

Anti-wrinkle, or wrinkle relaxing treatments are an effective method to minimise and smooth away unwanted facial lines and wrinkles. This popular injectable treatment leaves you looking and feeling like a fresher, more youthful version of yourself. Enjoy subtle, natural results that allow expressions but remove the deeper signs of facial aging.

Learn more about anti-wrinkle


Dermal Filler

$350 and up; $650 – 750 per ml

Plump it up!

Dermal fillers can be used to restore or provide contour and symmetry, plump out lines, wrinkles and creases. We like to focus on lips, cheeks, chin and jawline using non-permanent, Hyaluronic Acid based fillers from approved, quality, science and nature focused international companies.

Learn more about fillers



$1400 for x2 treatments (paid upfront), or $800 per treatment

Get your celebrity glow!

Profhilo® is a revolutionary bio-remodeller, an internally moisturising injectable treatment that stimulates the collagen and elastin fibres within the skin, helping them to rebuild. This improves skin laxity, tone, texture and overall hydration across the face, neck, decolletage, hands, arms and legs.

Learn more about Profhilo®



As we always say, you’re paying for the cosmetic injector, not the syringe of Botox® or lip filler. Read on for a price guide of Xeomin® and Botox® costs, and lip filler and other dermal filler costs. Exact prices are given at your appointment and prior to injecting. At BLOOMSKIN Tauranga, we pride ourselves on the excellence of your treatment, using internationally approved products administered by Nicole, a highly trained and experienced cosmetic injector who has many years of injecting experience both in New Zealand, and abroad. You will be in safe hands, enjoy outstanding anti-ageing results and professional aftercare, all of which is included in the treatment costs below. 

Post treatment instructions and information is given at each appointment.


Cheek filler
Lip filler
Jaw filler
Chin filler
Naso-labial folds

$400 – $1500
$350 – $1100
$400 – $1500
$400 – $750
$400 – $750
$400 – $750



Brow lift
Frown lines
Crow’s feet
Bunny lines
Perspiration treatments (underarms)

$108 – $288
$72- $216
$180 – $380
$72 – $360
$72 – $144


Per treatment
Two treatments if paid up front


First Botox® appointment
45 minutes

Book this if you have decided you would like a refreshing, wrinkle relaxing treatment using Botox® or Xeomin®. Nicole will discuss the benefits, and possible side effects and tailor and administer your treatment to ensure you bloom!

Botox® appointment*
35 minutes

To maintain your bloom, a repeat treatment is recommended and will keep you looking fresh and youthful. We recommend having these more frequently, and therefore less product is used. 

* Repeat treatment 

The top up
30 minutes

If you love what you see two weeks after your Botox® treatment but want that extra tweakment for smoothness to an area, book here. You’ll be fresh as a daisy in no time.

Botox® & Dermal filler
60 minutes

As a first time patient at BLOOMSKIN, either wrinkle relaxing treatments OR dermal fillers are used in one appointment. However, if you know what you’re after from both treatments, choose this booking option to secure your bloom.

Dermal filler
60 minutes

A range of fillers and products are used to achieve specific results. Some require support, others hydration and a dewy finish. Your desired outcome will be considered, the treatment explained and administered. Enjoy looking refreshed, hydrated and plumped in all the right places!

Follow up
15 minutes

At this follow-up appointment, “after” photos will be taken to compare the results from your first filler and Botox® or Xeomin® treatments with us. Results will be discussed and a top-up administered if necessary.

60 minutes

The most luminous, injectable skin treatment you can have. This hybrid dermal filler stimulates and rejuvenates collagen and elastin, moisturising from within leaving your skin youthful and glowing. Faces, neck, chest and hands will all bloom after this treatment.