Are you a client, or a patient when you come to BLOOMSKIN? We like to refer to you as patients. But why?
What’s the difference between a client and a patient? As we so often share, aesthetic or cosmetic injectable treatments are a medical procedure, and as such, should be performed by a trained medical professional, in clinic conditions. A trained medical professional is a specialist doctor, nurse, dermatologist or dentist in the injectables field, sometimes referred to as a clinician, or in my case, a nurse injector. Hairdressers, beauty therapists, nail technicians and the like, see clients.
Where do the differences lie? While it is a great move for patients to be actively involved in their treatments, the legal responsibility ultimately lies with the treatment provider/clinician. The relationship between a nurse injector and patient goes beyond being simply transactional. While other professions are invested in the wellbeing of their clients, patients can be described as requiring a greater duty of care than a client, simply because of the medical intervention involved. We also require our patients to sign a consent form before treatment, which is a requirement with any medical procedure performed.
Is there more to it? The trust factor is significant too. The term ‘patient’ implies a higher trust in our medical abilities and practices, our decision making when choosing treatments where invasive procedures are involved. You put your trust in us to know our field thoroughly and to have the ability to respond to any medical repercussions there may be.