Possibly the most glamourous side of cosmetic injectable treatments are those treatments performed to the lips. Lips are just deemed to be sexy, right? But if you want lips to love that aren’t all about size, you can still have lip treatments.
You do not have to end up with large, pouty, sultry lips when you are seeking cosmetic injectable remedies for lips which have become thin, dry or dehydrated. Or perhaps you are looking for a treatment which will finally provide you with lips to love. Here at BLOOMSKIN, lip treatments are all about achieving a natural, refreshed and hydrated result, working with the lips you have and simply making them the best version they can be.
You have probably heard people talking about “having their lips done” – not a term we love. Nicole talks about dermal filler treatments or lip treatments as that is the essence of what lip fillers are all about. The main ingredient is the naturally occurring Hyaluronic Acid (HA) – and it treats your lips! HA is hydrophilic in nature, it attracts and holds water and therefore quenches the thirst of your lips which is lost through ageing, smoking, environmental damage such as exposure to sun and pollutants, and even products. Lip treatments correct asymmetry, they achieve balance for those who may have a disproportionately thin upper lip, they provide upturned lip corners when a natural sagging can make you appear sad or grumpy. Lip treatments are also perfect for defining a lip border. A more structural dermal filler is used which gives a beautiful border to the lip edge – no more lipstick bleeds, or ‘barcode lines’.
Lip treatments provide immediate results. Sometimes there is a little swelling or minimal bruising which will settle with ice and covering with concealer. You might feel as if your lip treatment has given you more volume than you want initially, but this is often attributed to the numbness provided by the local anaesthetic in the product, or if a topical numbing cream is applied first.
The accompanying picture shows lips which have enjoyed lip treatments with Nicole over the past few weeks. She has become well known for her skill with providing results much-loved by her patients. So, don’t miss out, make your booking now to avoid disappointment and you too will have more lips to love. XX